
An Investment Expropriation Project  

Mr. Pabon provided an expert report on damages in an international arbitration case about the seizure of Claimant’s investments, the revocation of a tax exemption that had initially been enjoyed by Claimant, and, ultimately, the elimination of Claimant’s opportunity to earn a return on and of his investment. Mr. Pabon’s team assessed damages and economic [...]

A Road Toll Case in Latin America

Mr. Pabon provided expert testimony in a road concession project. The international arbitration revolved around the interpretation of the Concession Contract adjustment mechanism and the alleged lost revenues due to the wrongful application of toll adjustments. Mr. Pabon’s team assessed the economic validity of the claim and demonstrated that the Contract was the regulatory instrument [...]

Tariff Realignment in Brazil

A group of private generators in Brazil were concerned with a set of measures proposed by the government and their business implications. Mr. Pabon’s team analyzed a set of rules related to tariff issues and their impact on the development of new business opportunities for these companies in the large industrial segment market. The project [...]

Assistance to Brazilian Government Agencies

Mr. Pabon was part of a team that assisted the national electricity regulator (ANEEL) in developing its policies and procedures for tariff-related issues and identified the components of an institutional strengthening program for ANEEL. Additional work with the regulator included calculating distribution wheeling tariffs for certain electricity customers. He also advised the Brazilian System Operator [...]

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